
访客2023-11-27 14:18:4915


巴蒂斯塔 Demon Bomb

艾吉 The Downward Spiral

The Edgecution

芬利 Tombstone Piledriver

Emerald Fusion (WWE)

马克亨利 World s Strongest Slam

马特哈迪 Twist Of Fate

MVP The Malicious Intent

The Playmaker (WWE)

雷尔 6-1-9 & West Coast Pop

瑞克福莱尔Top Rope Knee Drop (Early)

Figure Four Leg Lock

卡利 The Power Bomb

送葬者 The Heartpunch (WCW)

Iron Claw (pre-1995)

Tombstone Piledriver

Chokeslam from Hell

Last Ride Power Bomb

Triangle Choke Hold

卡恩 Tombstone Piledriver

Chokeslam from Hell


Y2J Walls of Jericho/Liontamer

JBL Clothesline From Hell

杰夫哈迪 Texas Cloverleaf (OMEGA联盟期间)

Swanton Bomb (WWF & WWE期间)

约翰塞纳 The STF-U Submission

The FU/Thuganomics 101

~(Modified Death Valley Driver)

The Proto-Bomb (in OVW)

aka The Killswitch (in WWE)

肯尼迪先生 he Kenton Bomb

The Green Bay Plunge

兰尼欧顿 R。



HBK Sweet Chin Music

HHH The Pedigree

乌玛嘎 Wild Samoan Splash/Flying Sausage

Inverted Piledriver (Japan)

Samoan Spike (Thumb Thrust to Throat)


CM帕克 Pepsi Plunge (Top-Rope Pedigree)

The GTS (Go-To-Sleep)。


