
访客2023-12-01 15:55:0912

新东方在线“新概念英语”英语进修季, 好课88折,详情请点击: 最完好版本《新概念英语》收集视频精讲课程

凌晨两点,卡罗琳·贝尔托西 (Carolyn Bertozzi)被一阵德律风声吵醒,当她昏昏沉沉地接起德律风时,传入耳中的恰是诺贝尔奖委员会的恭喜。

Carolyn R. Bertozzi was shocked — and groggy — when she received the call from the Nobel Prize committee shortly before 2 am.

诺贝尔化学奖得主 图源:推特

2022年10月5号,诺贝尔化学奖公布。有三位科学家因为在点击化学(Click Chemistry)和生物正交化学(Bioorthogonal Chemistry)范畴做出的奉献,配合获得了诺贝尔化学奖。获奖者中,呈现了一位女性的身影。


"I was asleep and the phone rang, so I had to shake it off and try and figure out what was going on. And then it seemed a bit surreal," Bertozzi says.

"You know, I was thinking it was some strange hallucination or dream or something. But when I finally realized that, yes, I really was on the phone with the chair of the Nobel Committee and his colleagues and they were congratulating me, I just went into shock. I think I might have stopped breathing for a minute."

获奖后的自拍 图源:推特




US chemist Carolyn Bertozzi reckons her path into science was almost subconscious. Her dad was a physics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology but when she started at nearby Harvard University she was tempted to major in music.

卡罗琳旁观音乐表演 图源:推特


"That was unpopular with my parents – a cousin had pursued a career in music and ended up working in a bank to pay the rent," she says. "I was a little timid about defying them."

Instead, she chose the pre-med track that included classes in maths and the sciences.

图源:Chemistry World

进入大学后,她仍然对音乐连结着热爱,成为了一收重金属乐队的键盘手。乐队的名字“Bored of Education”也非常“背叛”,翻译过来就是“厌学”。她的乐队队友汤姆·莫雷洛 (Tom Morello),恰是摇滚界的牛人,乐队暴力对抗机器 (Rage Against the Machine)的传奇吉他手。

Bertozzi graduated from Harvard University in 1988 and during her college days played keyboards in a band with Tom Morello called Bored of Education. Morello later cofounded Rage Against the Machine.


"That might be the one thing that I’m best known for," she said. "He recruited me into his band and we played college parties at Harvard and around the Boston area, and then he went off to become a superstar. And I wasn’t talented the way he was. So I think I made the right choice to go to grad school."


图源:Chemistry World

与此同时,卡罗琳还有着极高的体育先天。她是一名篮球迷,会踢足球,获得了良多学校的体育奖学金。卡罗琳说,固然本身住在美国西海岸,但却是东海岸波士顿红袜队和凯尔特人队的狂热粉丝,她还骄傲地拿出了一张和NBA传奇球星拉里·伯德 (Larry Bird)在上世纪八十年代的合影。

Bertozzi may live on the West Coast, but her heart remains with her hometown teams. She describes herself as a "rabid" Red Sox and Celtics fan and fondly recalls the time she had her photo taken with Larry Bird when he made an appearance at the Harvard Coop in the 1980s.

卡罗琳与拉里·伯德 图源:推特


"Bet Larry didn't realize he was getting his picture taken with a future Nobel laureate." she said with a chuckle.

获得诺贝尔化学奖后,越来越多的人认识了那位“酷姐”,而她的光环不单单藏在诺奖得主头衔的背后。 独具气概的乐手、运动细胞爆表的运发动,卡罗琳在差别的范畴都能发出本身的荣耀,实的不愧是“开挂人生”。

新东方在线“新概念英语”英语进修季, 好课88折,详情请点击: 最完好版本《新概念英语》收集视频精讲课程


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